
In previous pos, we learned some rate limiting algorithms. In this article, we will see how rate limiting is implemented in Google Guava library.


RateLimiter class is the base class for all types of rate limiters. Currently Guava only has two implementations: SmoothWarmingUp and SmoothBursty.

Static Creators Methods

RateLimiter provides two static creators that will create a SmoothBursty rate limiter and a SmoothWarmingUp rate limiter respectively. We will talk about these two rate limiters later.

static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond)
static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond, long warmupPeriod, TimeUnit unit)

The time unit for the configured rate is per second. If you want to use any other time unit, you have to convert it to permits per second. For example, 1 permit per minute equals to 1 / 60 permits per second.


RateLimiter class takes care of multi-thread access to methods by using a mutex.

@MonotonicNonNull private volatile Object mutexDoNotUseDirectly;

private Object mutex() {
  Object mutex = mutexDoNotUseDirectly;
  if (mutex == null) {
    synchronized (this) {
      mutex = mutexDoNotUseDirectly;
      if (mutex == null) {
        mutexDoNotUseDirectly = mutex = new Object();
  return mutex;

In each method, syschronized(mutex()) is called around operations, including invocation to abstract methods implemented by subclasses so that they don’t need to worry about concurrency.

Think: why it uses two if statements to check the mutex value?

Abstract Methods

Everything else is taken care by the base class RateLimiter so that a subclass only has to implement the following four methods:

abstract void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, long nowMicros);
abstract double doGetRate();
abstract long queryEarliestAvailable(long nowMicros);
abstract long reserveEarliestAvailable(int permits, long nowMicros);

The first two methods are straightforward and they imply that a user can change the rate at runtime.


queryEarliestAvailable takes current time and returns the earliest available time of next permit. It is called when checking whether a permit can be granted with certain timeout:

private boolean canAcquire(long nowMicros, long timeoutMicros) {
  return queryEarliestAvailable(nowMicros) - timeoutMicros <= nowMicros;

Personally I think this method will be easier to understand if the return statement is changed to: nowMicros + timeoutMicros >= queryEarliestAvailable(nowMicros), which means return true if and only if we can pass the earliest available time of next permit after waiting for at most timeout microseconds from now on.



reserveEarliestAvailable reserves the requested number of permits and returns the earliest time when all permits are available. This method is called to calculate the duration that the caller has to wait before getting all permits.

reserveAndGetWaitLength is the method used to calculate the time to wait by calling reserveEarliestAvailable.

final long reserveAndGetWaitLength(int permits, long nowMicros) {
  long momentAvailable = reserveEarliestAvailable(permits, nowMicros);
  return max(momentAvailable - nowMicros, 0);


RateLimiter depends on a SleepingStopwatch to mesure the time elapsed since start as well as sleep the thread whenever needed.

abstract static class SleepingStopwatch {
  protected abstract long readMicros(); // Return time elpsed since start
  protected abstract void sleepMicrosUninterruptibly(long micros); // Sleep

This class also provides a static creator method which creates an implementation with the help of another two classes in Guava: Stopwatch and Uninterruptibles.

tryAcquire and acquire

tryAcquire() and acquire() are the two most important methods, which are responsible to calculate the throttling time and sleep for that long.


tryAcquire() has four overload methods, but all of them finally call to the following one:

public boolean tryAcquire(int permits, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
  long timeoutMicros = max(unit.toMicros(timeout), 0);
  checkPermits(permits); // Parameter validation
  long microsToWait;
  synchronized (mutex()) {
    long nowMicros = stopwatch.readMicros();
    if (!canAcquire(nowMicros, timeoutMicros)) {
      return false;
    } else {
      microsToWait = reserveAndGetWaitLength(permits, nowMicros);
  return true;

The method first calls canAcquire to check whether the requested permits can be acquired within the timeout value specified by the user. If not then it directly returns false. Otherwise it calculates the time it needs to wait and sleeps for that long before returning true.


acquire() has two overload methods and they finally call to the following one:

public double acquire(int permits) {
  long microsToWait = reserve(permits);
  return 1.0 * microsToWait / SECONDS.toMicros(1L);

Different from tryAcquire(), acquire() will block until all requested permits can be granted. It returns the time spent sleeping in seconds.


SmoothRateLimiter is a subclass of RateLimiter and the superclass of SmoothWarmingUp and SmoothBursty.


The design is based on leaky bucket algorithm. But it also borrows some ideas from token bucket.

One problem of native leaky bucket algorithm is, it doesn’t keep the memory of past underutilization - when lots of water drops after the bucket being empty for long, it still leaks at the same constant rate as usual.

Leaky Bucket Problem

To deal with the underutilization problem, a storedPermits is used to model the past underutilization. Specifically, this variable is 0 when there is no underutilization and it is increased by 1 every second that the rate limiter is unused. It can grow up to maxPermits. Requested permits are first served by the storedPermits and then served by fresh permits. When storedPermits is 3 and acquire(10) is called, then the first 3 permits are served by storedPermits while the rest 7 permits are served by fresh permits.

Now the question is, when we serve the permits using storedPermits, how to calculate the time to wait? When there is no underutilization, the interval between requests should be 1 / rate. When a user requests n permits, if they are all served by fresh permits, the waiting time should be n / rate. But if the n permits are all or partially served by storedPermits, what should be the throttling time?

Basically, we need a function that maps storedPermits and permitsToTake to throttling time. SmoothRateLimiter defines an abstract method storedPermitsToWaitTime(double storedPermits, double permitsToTake) that needs to be implemented by the subclasses to play this role.

Another abstract method is coolDownIntervalMicros() which returns the interval between two increments of storedPermits when the rate limiter is unused. In other words, it measures how fast we cumulate the storedPermits. For example, if it returns 10^6 microseconds (1 second), then we increase storedPermits by 1 every second. The return value can be same as or different from the stable interval. Actually it is the same as stable interval in SmoothBursty implementation but different from stable interval in SmoothWarmingUp implementation. We will talk about that later.



A SmoothRateLimiter has four member variables:

  • storedPermits - used to model past underutilization as described in Design section.
  • maxPermits - maximum number of storedPermits.
  • stableIntervalMicros - the interval between two requests at the stable rate. Its value should be 1 / rate.
  • nextFreeTicketMicros - the time when next permit can be granted. It is updated after each permit is granted.


resync() method updates the value of nextFreeTicketMicros and storedPermits if nextFreeTicketMicros is in the past.

void resync(long nowMicros) {
  // if nextFreeTicket is in the past, resync to now
  if (nowMicros > nextFreeTicketMicros) {
    double newPermits = (nowMicros - nextFreeTicketMicros) / coolDownIntervalMicros();
    storedPermits = min(maxPermits, storedPermits + newPermits);
    nextFreeTicketMicros = nowMicros;

Here we see that it calls subclass’s coolDownIntervalMicros() to determine how many permits we need to add to storedPermits. This is similar to lazily refilled tokens in token bucket algorithm we discussed in previous article.

resync() is called before reserving permits. See reserveEarliestAvailable below.

Override Methods

Since SmoothRateLimiter is a subclass of RateLimiter, it needs to implement the abstract methods. As we mentioned earlier, two most important ones are queryEarliestAvailable and reserveEarliestAvailable.

Apparently, queryEarliestAvailable just needs to return nextFreeTicketMicros variable.

final long queryEarliestAvailable(long nowMicros) {
  return nextFreeTicketMicros;

reserveEarliestAvailable also returns current nextFreeTicketMicros. But it also needs to update nextFreeTicketMicros to a new value.

final long reserveEarliestAvailable(int requiredPermits, long nowMicros) {
  long returnValue = nextFreeTicketMicros;
  double storedPermitsToSpend = min(requiredPermits, this.storedPermits);
  double freshPermits = requiredPermits - storedPermitsToSpend;
  long waitMicros =
      storedPermitsToWaitTime(this.storedPermits, storedPermitsToSpend)
          + (long) (freshPermits * stableIntervalMicros);

  this.nextFreeTicketMicros = LongMath.saturatedAdd(nextFreeTicketMicros, waitMicros);
  this.storedPermits -= storedPermitsToSpend;
  return returnValue;

This method first saves the old nextFreeTicketMicros to be the return value. Then it calculates how many stored permits and how many fresh permits will be used to serve this the required permits. The waiting time incurred by the stored permits is gotten from storedPermitsToWaitTime implemented by the subclass while the waiting time incurred by the fresh permits is just freshPermits * stableInterval. The total waiting time is the sum of these two value and is added to nextFreeTicketMicros, which means next request will have to wait for at most that long before being granted.


SmoothBursty implementation is very straightforward - storedPermitsToWaitTime simply returns 0, meaning that storedPermits are translated to zero throttling. That’s why it’s called “bursty”.

long storedPermitsToWaitTime(double storedPermits, double permitsToTake) {
  return 0L;

coolDownIntervalMicros simply returns stableIntervalMicros, meaning that storedPermits cumulates at the stable rate while unused.

double coolDownIntervalMicros() {
  return stableIntervalMicros;

SmoothBursty has a member variable maxBurstSeconds that is used to calculate maxPermits.

maxPermits = maxBurstSeconds * permitsPerSecond;

By default maxBurstSeconds is 1 and there is no way for the user to change its value.


To understand how SmoothWarmingUp rate limiter converts storedPermits to throttling time, let’s first look at the following figure:


The x-axis is storedPermits and the y-axis is the throttling interval.

Suppose there is a vertical line x = k representing the state of the rate limiter:

  • When the rate limiter is fully used, the line stays at x = 0.
  • When the rate limiter is unused, the line goes from left to right.
  • When the rate limiter is used again after an underutilization, the line goes from right to left.

The trapezoid in the figure denotes a warm up period. When a SmoothWarmingUp rate limiter is reused after an underutilization, it is said to be in a warm up period until storedPermits reaches thresholdPermits. In the warm up period, the throttling interval is longer than stable interval, which means the rate limiter becomes slower after a period of underutilization. Warm up period duration can be specified by the user.

How to decide the value of thresholdPermits and maxPermits? In the comment, they claim that to preserve the behavior of original implementation, the time it takes to go from thresholdPermits to 0 has to be half the time it takes to go from maxPermits to thresholdPermits, which is the warmUpPeriod. In other words, in the figure above, the area of the trapezoid is two times the area of the rectangle. Therefore, to calculate thresholdPermits:

warmupPeriod = 2 * stableInterval * thresholdPermits
thresholdPermits = 0.5 * warmupPeriod / stableInterval

warmupPeriod is specified by the user while creating this rate limiter.

To calculate maxPermits:

= 0.5 * (stableInterval + coldInterval) * (maxPermits - thresholdPermits)

= thresholdPermits + 2.0 * warmupPeriod / (stableInterval + coldInterval)

coldInterval is the maximum throttling interval, which is calculated by a parameter coldFactor that has a default value 3.0 and is not modifiable by the user.

coldInterval = stableInterval * coldFactor;


double coolDownIntervalMicros() {
  return warmupPeriodMicros / maxPermits;

As we mentioned before, coolDownIntervalMicros is the interval between two increments of storedPermits. In the figure above, it measures how fast our imaginary vertical line goes from left to right. This value is chose to be warmupPeriod / maxPermits so that the time it takes to go from 0 to maxPermits is equal to warmupPeriod.


Suppose currently there are K storedPermits and we request P permits (P <= K). Then the total throttling time should be the area between x = K and x = K - P.

Smooth Warm Up Request

Thus, storedPermitsToWaitTime just needs to calculate this area.

long storedPermitsToWaitTime(double storedPermits, double permitsToTake) {
  double availablePermitsAboveThreshold = storedPermits - thresholdPermits;
  long micros = 0;
  // measuring the integral on the right part of the function (the climbing line)
  if (availablePermitsAboveThreshold > 0.0) {
    double permitsAboveThresholdToTake = min(availablePermitsAboveThreshold, permitsToTake);
    double length =
            + permitsToTime(availablePermitsAboveThreshold - permitsAboveThresholdToTake);
    micros = (long) (permitsAboveThresholdToTake * length / 2.0);
    permitsToTake -= permitsAboveThresholdToTake;
  // measuring the integral on the left part of the function (the horizontal line)
  micros += (long) (stableIntervalMicros * permitsToTake);
  return micros;

It first checks whether storedPermits is above the threshold. If so, then we need to calculate the area of the trapezoid. Otherwise we only need to calculate the partial area of the rectangle. permitsToTime is used to query “given x, what is the y value of the climbing line?”

private double permitsToTime(double permits) {
  return stableIntervalMicros + permits * slope;

The value of slope should be (coldInterval - stableInterval) / (maxPermits - thresholdPermits).


After understanding the implementation, we can find one problem - when we only request 1 permit at a time, the SmoothRateLimiter works as a leaky bucket with consideration of past underutilization. However, if we request many permits at a time, it has the same problem as token bucket. That is, the real-time rate might be higher than the configured rate. And it may starve following requests.

Token Bucket Problem

This is because the throttling time is paid by next request instead of current request. And larger requests push next available time further than smaller requests. For example, suppose the rate is 1 per seconds. If we request 100 permits at the beginning, the permits will be granted right away but the next request needs to wait for at most 100 seconds. Since most of the use cases I have seen only require to request 1 permit at a time, I am not sure whether this is a serious problem. But you may need to keep it in mind while requesting many requests at a time.


[1] RateLimiter.java
[2] SmoothRateLimiter.java