
We talked about what is a bridge (switch) and how it works here and here. However, we only saw the topology in which one bridge is used to merge LANs. In real life, redundancy is always necessary in order to provide high availability. For example, instead of using only one link between two bridges, we can use two links so that the traffic won’t be affected even if one of them goes down. But this configuration also creates a loop in the topology which can severely affects the network. The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is used to make any topology loop-free. In this article, we will see how loops in a topology can be harmful and how STP solves the problem.

Problems of Loops in a Topology

Broadcast Storm

Suppose we have the following topology where two links exist between two bridges.

Bridge Loop Topology

Obviously, there is a loop between two bridges. When Host A sends out a broadcast packet, what will happen is:

  1. The broadcast packet sent out by Host A is received by Bridge A port 2.
  2. Since this is a broadcast packet, Bridge A will forward it to port 0 and port 1.
  3. The broadcast packet is received by Bridge B port 0 and port 1. Port 0 will forward it to port 1 and port 2. Port 1 will forward it to port 0 and port 2.
  4. The broadcast packet is received by Host B (twice), Bridge A port 0 and Bridge A port 1. Bridge A port 0 will forward it to port 1 and port 2. Bridge A port 1 will forward it to port 0 and port 2.
  5. The broadcast packet is received by Host A (twice), Bridge B port 0 and Bridge port 1. Now we go back to step 2 again!

This is the so-called broadcast storm - the broadcast packets will keep flooding the network till the loop breaks or the bridge crashes.


We can see the storm by doing an experiment with Linux bridge. To set up above topology, run the following command:

$ sudo brctl addbr bridgeA
$ sudo brctl addbr bridgeB
$ sudo ip link add portA_0 type veth peer name portB_0
$ sudo ip link add portA_1 type veth peer name portB_1
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeA portA_0
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeA portA_1
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeB portB_0
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeB portB_0
$ sudo ifconfig bridgeA up
$ sudo ifconfig bridgeB up
$ sudo ifconfig portA_0 up
$ sudo ifconfig portB_0 up

Above commands will create two bridges and two links (veth devices) between them. Note, we only enable one link portA_0 - portB_0 between two bridges for now.

Step 1

Launch two VMs using KVM. Let’s call them Host A and Host B. They are connected two bridge A and B respectively. Run the following command to confirm:

$ brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
bridgeA         8000.52c2cb8b5685       no              portA_0
bridgeB         8000.4ab4cee1ab35       no              portB_0

Step 2

On Host A, run the following commands:

$ sudo ifconfig eth0

On Host B, run the following commands:

$ sudo ifconfig eth0

After this step, Host A and Host B should be able to ping each other.

Step 3

Run tcpdump on Host B:

$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -v icmp

On Host A, ping a broadcast address:

$ sudo ping -c 1 -b

On Host B, we will see one ICMP packet captured.

Before Broadcast Storm

Step 4

Then we enable the second link between bridge A and B:

$ sudo ifconfig portA_1 up
$ sudo ifconfig portB_1 up

Repeat Step 3. This time we should be able to see a broadcast storm on Host B:

Broadcast Storm

The storm will keep flooding your screen until you break one link by:

$ sudo ifconfig portA_1 down

Mac Address Learning Confusion

Due to the broadcast storm, the bridge will also be confused by the MAC addresses. Specifically, when the first time Bridge A port 2 receives a packet from Host A, it adds one entry Host A MAC - port 2 to its MAC table. However, later, due to the loop, the same broadcast packet is received by Bridge A port 0, causing Bridge A to update existing entry to Host A MAC - port 0. Then the same broadcast packet is received by Bridge A port 1, making existing entry be updated again. So on and so forth. The bridge will keep updating the MAC table, which is also a problem.

Spanning Tree Protocol

In above experiment, when we saw a broadcast storm, we stopped it by manually breaking one link in the loop. Rather than doing this, if we just enable STP on the bridges, the loop can also be logically broken.

To enable STP:

$ sudo brctl stp bridgeA on
$ sudo brctl stp bridgeB on

Add back the second link:

$ sudo ifconfig portA_1 up
$ sudo ifconfig portB_1 up

If now we repeat Step 4 above, we won’t see previous storm any more even with two links between bridges.

The way that STP makes the topology logically loop-free is by putting certain ports into blocking state. When there are configuration changes or bridge/link failures, STP can also detect the changes and update the topology accordingly. We will see how it works in the following sections. Only the basic idea and high level overview will be covered. For more detailed information, see RFC 7727.


Bridge Roles

There are two bridge roles: root bridge and designated bridge.

  • Root Bridge
    As the name implies, Spanning Tree Protocol generates a logical tree (which is by definition loop-free) from a topology. Thus, there must be a root in the tree. We call a bridge a “root bridge” if it is the root of the spanning tree.

  • Designated Bridge
    While each tree has only one root bridge, there is one designated bridge for each LAN, which becomes the bridge all hosts and bridges on the LAN use to reach the root. [1]

Port Roles

There two port roles: root port and designated port.

  • Root Port
    The port with the lowest path cost to the root bridge.

  • Designated Port
    The port with the lowest path cost to the root bridge on each LAN.

Port States

Each port can be in any of the following states:

  • Disabled
    The port is shutdown through administrative action. In previous experiment, after running command ifconfig portA_1 down, the port is disabled.

  • Blocking
    The port is up but it doesn’t forward any traffic. In other words, it is logically shutdown.

  • Listening
    The port is not forwarding traffic and not learning MAC addresses. This is a transient state between blocking and learning.

  • Learning
    The port is not forwarding traffic but is learning MAC addresses. This is a transient state between listening and forwarding.

  • Forwarding
    The port is receiving and sending traffic as normal.

Port State Transition: Port State Transition (Image Credit [1])

Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs)

BPDUs are protocol frames used to exchange information among bridges. There are two types of BPDUs:

  • Configuration BPDU
    Used to define a loop-free topology. One important component of a configuration BPDU is priority vector, consisting of Root Bridge ID, Root Path Cost, Bridge ID, and Port ID. I will refer it as [BR-Root, Cost, BR-ID, Port-ID]. We will see how it is used later. For now, we only need to know that smaller vector has higher priority. For example, [1, 0, 1, 0] has higher priority than [2, 0, 2, 0] and [1, 0, 1, 1] has higher priority than [1, 0, 1, 2].

  • Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDU
    Used by a bridge to notify the root bridge about a detected topology change. I will not cover the topology change part in this article.

Algorithm Overview

The distributed STP algorithm consists the following steps:

  1. Select a root bridge and put all its ports into forwarding state.
  2. Each bridge selects a root port.
  3. Each LAN selects a designated port.
  4. Put all other ports into blocking state.

Root Bridge Selection

Initially, all bridges think itself is a root bridge. Thus, each of them start transmitting a BPDU with Root Bridge ID to be its own ID and Root Path Cost to be 0. Eventually, the bridge with the smallest Bridge-ID will become the root bridge. Bridge-ID format is as follows:

Bridge ID

(Image Credit [1])

That means, if all bridges have the same priority, then the one with the smallest MAC address will win. However, if the administrator wants to configure a specific bridge as the root bridge, he just needs to make its bridge priority smaller than others.

Root Port Selection

After selecting a global root bridge, other bridges must select their own root port, which is the port with the shortest path to the root bridge. Note, the root bridge doesn’t have a root port while non-root bridges have one and only one root port.

Similar to selecting a root bridge, the selection of root port is also done by comparing priority vectors. On a bridge, if all ports have the same cost to root bridge, then the port with the smallest Port-ID will be selected as root port. For example, in the topology above, suppose Bridge A is the root bridge, then both port 0 and port 1 on Bridge B have the same cost to root bridge. In this case, port 0 becomes the root port because it has a smaller port ID.

Designated Port Selection

Each bridge is usually on more than one LAN, so it must learn the designated port for each LAN. As mentioned before, the designated port should be the one that has the shortest path to the root bridge and there is exactly one designated port per LAN.

Thus, for all ports on a LAN, the one with the shortest path to root bridge is selected as the designated port. If two port has the same cost, again, the one with a smaller priority vector will win.

Block All Other Ports

All ports other than root port and designated port will be put into blocking state.

Example & Experiment


We use the following topology as an example:

STP Example Topology

First let’s add three bridges:

$ sudo brctl addbr bridgeA
$ sudo brctl stp bridgeA on
$ sudo ifconfig bridgeA hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:0A up
$ sudo brctl addbr bridgeB
$ sudo brctl stp bridgeB on
$ sudo ifconfig bridgeB hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:0B up
$ sudo brctl addbr bridgeC
$ sudo brctl stp bridgeC on
$ sudo ifconfig bridgeC hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:0C up

Root Bridge Selection

Now, let’s add the first link: portA_0 - portB_0

$ sudo ip link add portA_0 type veth peer name portB_0
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeA portA_0
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeB portB_0
$ sudo ifconfig portA_0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:A0 up
$ sudo ifconfig portB_0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:B0 up

Root Selection Topology 1

After we enable both ports, we will see BPDUs exchanged by bridge A and B.

  • Both bridges send a BPDU with their own Bridge-ID as Root Bridge ID.

Root Selection 1

Root Selection 2

  • Bridge A and B agree that A is the root because it has a smaller priority vector (smaller Bridge-ID). After this agreement is reached, only Bridge A will send BPDUs.

Root Selection 3

Current bridge and port info:

Root Selection 4

Next we add one more link portB_1 - portC_1.

$ sudo ip link add portB_1 type veth peer name portC_1
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeB portB_1
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeC portC_1
$ sudo ifconfig portB_1 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:B1 up
$ sudo ifconfig portC_1 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:C1 up

Root Selection Topology 2

After Bridge C is connected to Bridge B through portC_1, it first thinks itself is the root bridge and sends a configuration BPDU with its own Bridge-ID as the Root Bridge ID.

Root Selection 5

Then after it receives a BPDU from Bridge B, saying that the root bridge is A, Bridge C will agree on that and stop sending BPDUs.

Root Selection 6

Bridge C’s info:

Root Selection 7

Root Port Selection

Now we add link portA_1 - portC_0. After that, there will be a loop in this topology. In theory, this time portC_0 should become the new root port of Bridge C because it is closer to root bridge A (cost 2) comparing to portC_1 (cost 4).

$ sudo ip link add portA_1 type veth peer name portC_0
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeA portA_1
$ sudo brctl addif bridgeC portC_0
$ sudo ifconfig portA_1 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:A1 up
$ sudo ifconfig portC_0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:C0 up

Root Port Selection Topology 1

Let’s see what happens after adding this link.

Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDUs will be sent first. But I will skip this part and only focus on how it reaches a loop-free topology.

Topology Change

Bridge C portC_0 should receive BPDUs with Root Path Cost 0 sent by Bridge A portA_1 and calculate the cost of portC_0 to root bridge A, which is 0 (Root Path Cost in BPDU) + 2 (port cost) = 2. Since its cost to root bridge is less than portC_1, portC_0 now becomes the root port. This can be verified looking into the bridge info:

Root Port Selection 1

The root port of Bridge B stays unchanged and it is still portB_0.

Root Port Selection 2

Designated Port Selection

There are 3 LANs in the topology: link portA_0 - portB_0, link portA_1 - portC_0 and link portB_1 - portC1. For the first two LANs, the designated ports are no doubt portA_0 and portA_1 because they are the ports of root bridge. For LAN portB_1 - portC1, they need to select a designated port. As we can see, both ports have same cost to root bridge. But since Bridge B has a smaller Bridge-ID, portB_1 becomes the designated port.

Designated Port Selection 1

Block All Other Ports

portC_1 is not selected as the designated port in LAN portB_1 - portC_1, nor is it the root port of Bridge C. Thus, it is put into blocking state.

Block All Other Ports

Now the topology is loop-free. Logically, it looks like:

Logical Topology

If we shut down portB_0, then STP will detect the topology change and re-enable portC_1. I will leave this experiment to the reader.


[1] Benvenuti, Christian. Understanding Linux network internals. “O’Reilly Media, Inc.””, 2006.
[2] BRIDGE 8